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Go skiing and skating in Changchun

http://www.mipang.com时间:2011-02-23  来源:米胖旅游网  点击:4263


The winter holiday, I took my daughters to northeast of China to go skiing and skating. We flew to Changchun of Jilin province. I booked up a hotel on the internet. We wore down jackets, hats, scarfs, masks, gloves and snow shoes. Arriving Changzhung, we saw a silver world, because the city was covered by snow. We were going to go skiing in Jinyuetang ski resort. The ski hires was 100 yuan per person two hours. My daughters wore ski boots soon and took ski poles to join the queue for ski lift. They didn’t need skimeister to teach them whose skill were good. They skied fast on the ski run. My skiing was soso. I was afraid when I skied down, so I ofter fell down in middle of the run. I skied successful only two times. Follow day, we visited a museum which was a puppet palace of Piyi who was the last emperor. On March 1,1932, Puyi set up Manchukuo in Changchun supported by Japanese invaders, taking Changchun as the capital. Puyi lived there 13 years. In afternoon we still skied in Jinyuetang ski resort. My daughters liked to go skiing. The third day, we played in the Ice and Snow World in Yitong river. We played ice slide, ice chair, ice bike and skated in a outdoor rink. Playing ice slide excited us very much. We sat big tires sliding down the ice. I watched children skating adroitly. They looked like swallow lightly. I couldn’t skate alone, no rails let me to held. After a while, I fell over on ice heavily and hurted my rear end. The pain made me very uncomfortable when I was sitting and sleeping. A couple of days later, I took a X-ray test. It may be ok. After Spring Festival, I still felt pain my bottom, so I took a CT test in hospital. Doctor said I injured my sacrum that was fractured, but no sequelae. Now I am recovering slowly. I said I never to go skate later on. I hope I perfectly recover soon.


I am OK new.



        从吉大南校区出来,直接打车去了南湖公园,对于这个陌生的公园,进门不要票感觉很爽!因为有的地方还不如这,竟然票价不菲。由于时间紧迫只好以最快的方式浏览了南湖的景色。这里的荷花、亭子、游船还是给我留下很深的印象。拍荷花需要长焦距镜头,因为近处的荷花都没了,所以只能用自己的中焦凑合。 南湖公园荷花




长春开始热了吧。。。7月毕业以后可能这辈子都没有机会再回去了呢。。。其实长春还是蛮好的,美女如云,重庆路上的美女可以西单多多了。。。恩。。。桂林路的韩国小店子也不错,能买到非常可爱的比基尼~~而且在长春买东西超级便宜哦~~大学四年最记忆犹新的就是超级便宜的川王福火锅、超级好吃的品四川、校门口的麻辣烫和鸡蛋灌饼、超级难吃的cross pizza。南湖校区(长邮)里的麻辣烫最好吃,好多芝麻酱,好香好香